Monday, March 31, 2008

Room 1408

I watched a movie called 1408 yesterday and I think it’s good. The movie was about a writer or should I say a paranormal writer (Mike Enslin) for most of his books are more on paranormal genre. For all the spooky places that his gone too he does not believe in ghost. He received a postcard informing him not to go to room 1408. The hotel manager informed Mike Eslin that no one can lasted for an hour on that room. Even with the hotel manager’s warning he still insisted to stay for a night in that said room and from there he had unnatural experiences where he had hallucination. The story somewhat showed Eslins life and what happened to him before. He was before a loving father and because of the death of his daughter he left his wife. On the later part of the movie, he saw his daughter and she died on his arms. I personally believe in paranormal things even though I haven’t seen a ghost and of course I don’t wish to see one (lol). But why does a person looses his faith each time they encounter a loss or hardship? I’d say instead of doing what Eslin did where he left his wife when his daughter died, I say that it is a perfect time for us to live for each other. We should support one another for we are not the only person who is hurt for loosing the one we loved. And why should we loose our faith to God when we know that those who die go to heaven with him. Instead of not believing in Him maybe we should ask Him to take care of our love one. I learned from that movie and the best thing I’ve learned is to never loose faith.